I just finished watching a documentary called "Soccer's Lost Boys" on the "Current Tv" network which is channel 9 on the tv stations in the NDNU dorms. It was about young boys mostly under the age of 17 who were mostly from Cameroon, Senegal, and Ghana who had high hopes of becoming famous football (or soccer as we call it) players for major European football teams. What happens is, a person who claims to be a famous soccer agent comes to the homes of families of young boys who show promise and ask the parents, to pay a fee in order to have their son get a chance at becoming a professional soccer player. These hopeful parents sale their homes, cars, clothes, food, themselves, and all of their possessions to raise money for the agent's fees. The agent then takes the young boy to Europe, "tries" to get an audition in front of major soccer teams and if this does not happen, the agent disappears and leaves the young boy stranded in Europe. Many families have not seen their sons in more than 7 or 8 years because of this scam; this is because they no longer have the money to pay for their child's trip back home. There have said to be up to 20,000 young men who are all homeless and scattered over Europe and also stranded with no way to get back home. The stranded boys in Europe then turn to prostitution, drug dealing, stealing, and many other crimes to keep money in their pockets to buy food and clothing. There have been a few organizations created in the hopes of ending this trafficking in Africa but unfortunately it has not been enough to end this horrible scam from happening. What is even more sad is that many of these families in Africa here of these horrible stories of the young boys being victims of trafficking but they still use their life's savings to pay agents to do the exact same thing, in hopes of their child being "different" and actually becoming a professional soccer player.